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ReadiBand 5 Help
ReadiBand 5 Help
By Bryden
1 author
17 articles
Getting Started
Choosing the right deployment method
There are two Help Centres - one for you and one for ReadiBand wearers
Deploying ReadiBand 5
Have users create their own accounts
Pair and deploy ReadiBands to user accounts you create
Deploy ReadiBands Fatigue Science has paired to generic accounts
Deploy ReadiBands Fatigue Science has paired to user accounts
Capturing data
Ways to capture sleep data from a ReadiBand
Capturing data with Readi for iOS and Android
Capturing data with the Sync app
About ReadiBand 5
What is the ReadiBand?
Charging a ReadiBand
ReadiBand technical specifications
Manage the success of your ReadiBand program
Pairing, unpairing, and updating ReadiBands
Pairing ReadiBands
Unpairing ReadiBands
Updating firmware on ReadiBands
Protect your iPad from unauthorized use