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Using the New ReadiSupervise (Web version)
Using the New ReadiSupervise (Web version)

Identify fatigued crew members before work begins. Take action proactively to reduce risk and increase productivity. Log countermeasures.

Written by Bryden Waggott
Updated over 12 months ago

Note: This article pertains to our web interface for ReadiSupervise. For our iOS and Android apps, please see this article.

What's New?

Welcome to the new ReadiSupervise.

ReadiSupervise's web interface has been updated and streamlined to ensure that the information you care most about is presented front-and-center.

With the new ReadiSupervise, shift supervisors and operations control centres can now more easily take and record proactive countermeasures that reduce fatigue risk and increase the safety and productivity of your workforce.

Every organization is different.

The new ReadiSupervise is highly customizable to the needs of your particular organization. By talking with our customers, we've learned that many organizations manage fatigue differently – and your solution should reflect your needs.

For instance, some organizations simply want to view a clean list of workers whose ReadiScores, from any prediction method, indicate a high risk of fatigue on duty. Other organizations prefer to view multiple metrics, such as ReadiScores in combination with sleep data and syncing data. Additionally, some organizations prefer to view only ReadiScores generated via wearables, while others prefer ReadiScores from all sources, such as ML estimations (or at least want to see the source more clearly).

ReadiSupervise's new interface enables this customization in a simple and intuitive manner.

Your account manager will pre-configure your interface based on our understanding of your needs, but you can always adjust it to your liking, and ReadiSupervise will remember your settings so you don't have to re-configure every time.

Get to Know the New Interface

ReadiSupervise Interface, with Syncing, Sleep, and ReadiScore Source data shown

ReadiSupervise is fundamentally structured to show the names of individuals on duty and their current and upcoming fatigue levels ("ReadiScores"), highlighting individuals whose ReadiScores is projected to fall below your shift's "Risk Threshold" during the shift hours.

In addition to showing ReadiScores and the names of flagged workers, ReadiSupervise now includes up to three new columns, depending on your configuration:

  • Last Sync

  • Recent Sleep

  • ReadiScore From

As well, ReadiSupervise now includes an "Atypical" flag next to individuals who are flagged on the current shift and whose fatigue is worse than usual for this shift type.

Hour-by-hour ReadiScores and one's "Time to 70" (or your chosen Risk Threshold) remain available in the new ReadiSupervise.

Read more below to learn about each of these new insights.

"Last Sync" Column

The "Last Sync" column shows the amount of time that has elapsed since the user last synced their wearable device (ReadiWatch, ReadiBand, Fitbit, Garmin) with the Readi platform. Users without wearable devices will receive a "-" in this field.

By default, users whose last sync was more than 12 hours before the start of the shift will be highlighted in red.

  • Filters: Use the filter icon to display only users whose sync status is up-to-date or out-of-date. This is useful for quickly identifying any users who need to be prompted to sync their device.

  • Sorting: Click the sort arrow to sort from most recent to least recent sync status. Sorting will occur within the "Below [RT]" and "Above [RT]" categories, where [RT] signifies your risk threshold.

"Recent Sleep" Column

For users with the "View Sleep Data" permission enabled, it is now possible to view authorized users recent sleep data without leaving the ReadiSupervise application. There is no longer a need to consult ReadiSleep for this information.


  • No sleep data will be exposed for users for whom the viewer does not have permission to view sleep data.

  • Nothing in this update changes your existing configurations regarding sleep data permissions or privacy. Organizations who do not have sleep data viewing as part of their existing workflow will have this column hidden by default, and values will appear empty for such users ("-") if the column is toggled on.

Where the permission to view sleep data is enabled, the "Recent Sleep" column shows the total amount of sleep each user has accumulated in the 12 hours preceding the start of the current shift, up to the current moment in time. Sleeps that terminate at any point in that range will be counted in their entirety toward this total.

Eligible major sleeps and naps will both count toward this total, and you can view more detail on the sleeps that contributed to the total by hovering over the value.

Recent Sleep values of less than 6 hours, by default, will be highlighted in red. This threshold can be changed in your account settings.

  • Filters: Use the filter icon to display only users whose Recent Sleep quantity falls above or below your account's threshold.

  • Sorting: Click the sort arrow to sort from most to least recent sleep, or vice versa. Sorting will occur within the "Below [RT]" and "Above [RT]" categories, where [RT] signifies your risk threshold.

"ReadiScore From" Column

The "ReadiScore From" column shows an indicator for how the user's ReadiScores were generated for that shift. The three possible values are:

  • Wearable Only

    • This classification indicates that in the trailing 3 days, all sleep data was determined by a wearable device, and our system determined no gaps in the sleep data collection.

    • To be eligible for this classification, there must also be no manual sleep input within the trailing 7 days. (Manual sleep input is very rare.)

  • ReadiML

    • For wearable users, this classification indicates that at one or more points in the trailing 3 days, our system detected at least one gap where sleep data would normally be expected to be recorded by a wearable. In these cases, Readi's Machine Learning engine estimated the user's sleep quality, quantity, and timing based on a variety of factors, including past wearable usage patterns, work schedule, and one's annual sleep questionnaire.

    • For non-wearable users, this classification will always appear, as all sleeps will be estimated by Readi's Machine Learning engine.

    • To be eligible for this classification, there must also be no manual sleep input within the trailing 7 days. (Manual sleep input is very rare.)

  • Manual

    • If sleep was manually entered at any point in the trailing 7 days, the "Manual" label will appear. While manual sleep input is very rare, this label is provided to give heightened visibility to cases where an erroneous manual input might significantly affect one's ReadiScore.

Hover over any label to see more information on its source.

  • Filters: Use the filter icon to display only users whose ReadiScore is derived from one of the choices above. For instance, some customers may wish to limit results to "Wearable Only" or "ReadiML" as part of their workflow.

  • Sorting: Click the sort arrow to sort by category. Sorting will occur within the "Below 70" and "Above 70" categories (or your chosen Risk Threshold).

The "Atypical" Flag

ReadiSupervise introduces a new concept, the "Atypical" Flag, to make it easier to identify individuals whose fatigue is worse on a given shift than it typically is (among those who are flagged).

To be eligible for an Atypical flag, an individual must meet the following criteria:

  • Individual is in the "Flagged" category

    • The "Flagged" category is the section with the title "Below [RT] during shift", where [RT] is your current Risk Threshold, e.g. 70.

  • Individual's ReadiScore average ReadiScore on the current shift is 7 or more points below their typical ReadiScore for that shift type (e.g. "Night Shift").

    • A typical ReadiScore for that shift type is comprised of the user's average ReadiScore on up to 60 of their most recent shifts of that type. A minimum of 5 shifts is required to establish a typical ReadiScore.

    • If no typical Readiscore exists for a user, the user will not receive an Atypical flag.

Viewing Hour-by-Hour ReadiScores

"Hour-by-Hour" ReadiScores provide a detailed view of each user's hourly ReadiScores and how they are projected to change throughout the upcoming shift (e.g. at 8:00PM, 9:00PM, and so on.)

Based on feedback from most customers, we've learned that the "Hour-by-Hour" view is less relevant to most decision-making workflows than simply understanding which workers are flagged and when they are projected to become fatigued.

The "Hour-by-Hour" is most useful when customers are first learning how ReadiScores work. Seeing each individual ReadiScore, hour-by-hour, helps users develop a clear intuition about fatigue prediction and progression.

To strike the right balance and prevent information overload, the "Hour-by-Hour" view has been moved.

To view the "Hour-by-Hour" ReadiScores, simply click "Show all hours" as shown below.

The "Hour-by-Hour" ReadiScores will then appear, and can be hidden to reveal the core data by clicking "Hide all hours."

Viewing Non-Flagged Individuals

By default, ReadiSupervise now shows the Flagged Workers section as expanded, while the Non-Flagged Workers section is collapsed.

This design update aligns with our understanding of customers' priorities, where the essential workflow typically involves a quick countermeasure on Flagged individuals. It also brings our web interface's in alignment with our ReadiSupervise Mobile app, which shows Flagged individuals by default.

To toggle viewing Non-Flagged Workers (those with lower fatigue risk), simply click the arrow next to the section title "Above [RT] for entire shift".

Editing Columns and Defaults

  • To edit which columns appear in your screen, simply click the "Edit Columns" button in the top right, and toggle the columns to your preference.

  • Your personal preferences will override any defaults that have been established at the organization level, and will be remembered for the next time you log in.

Data Privacy Note

  • If you do not have permission to view the data in a given column, the values in that column will remain blank.

  • To update defaults at the organizational level, please reach out to your Readi Account Manager.

  • Your Account manager will be able to update your organization's settings for:

    • Display of columns

    • The thresholds for turning the "Last Sync" value red

    • The threshold for turning the "Recent Sleep" value red

    • The inclusion timeframe for "Recent Sleep"

Using ReadiSupervise as a Daily Workflow

To view fatigue forecasts for your crew on today's shift, follow these steps:

1. Select Your Crew

  • Select the group(s) or location(s) you are supervising today from the Locations and Groups dropdown menu.

  • If Groups or Locations aren't yet configured, ask your Readi program manager for help setting this up.

2. Select Your Shift

  • Select the shift you are currently managing from the Shifts dropdown menu.

  • If Shifts aren't yet configured, ask your Readi program manager for help setting up your schedule.

  • The "Risk Threshold" field indicates the ReadiScore threshold that will determine which users are flagged as fatigued in a given shift. If a user's ReadiScore is projected to fall below that threshold at any point during the shift hours, the user will be placed in the "ReadiScore below [RT]" section, which is expanded by default.

  • Note: Your organization's default "Risk Threshold" for that shift type will automatically appear in the "Risk Threshold" box. While uncommon, you can edit this to display data segmented by a different threshold. Users with the "Company Manager" role can change defaults via the Configure panel.

3. Click Submit

  • Once you click Submit, Today's Forecast will surface projected ReadiScores for users who match the specific criteria of your selection.

  • In particular, users that appear must both belong to your selected group(s) or location(s), as well as be assigned to your selected shift on the current day.

  • For instance, if user John Smith belongs to Night Shift, he will only appear in your view if he is assigned to a Night Shift that is scheduled for today.

4. Identify Workers and Log Countermeasures

  • To log a countermeasure, simply click anywhere on the row of any user and click Log Action.

  • You will be guided through two simple steps to log the action taken.

To learn more about logging countermeasures (also sometimes know as "Interventions"), please read this help article:

If you have additional questions about how to use these features, don't hesitate to reach out to your Readi program manager for a training session, supported by your team at Fatigue Science.

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