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Using the New ReadiSupervise (Mobile version)
Using the New ReadiSupervise (Mobile version)

Identify fatigued crew members before work begins. Take action proactively to reduce risk and increase productivity. Log countermeasures.

Written by Bryden Waggott
Updated over a week ago

Table of Contents

Note: This article pertains to our iOS and Android apps for ReadiSupervise. For our web interface, please see this article.

What's New?

27 Feburary 2024

Welcome to the new ReadiSupervise.

Following the recent overhaul to ReadiSupervise's web interface, ReadiSupervise Mobile has now been similarly updated to ensure that the information you care most about is presented front-and-center.

With the new ReadiSupervise Mobile, shift supervisors can now more easily take and record proactive countermeasures that reduce fatigue risk and increase the safety and productivity of your workforce.

Every organization is different.

The new ReadiSupervise is highly customizable to the needs of your particular organization. In talking with our customers, we've learned that many organizations manage fatigue differently – and your solution should reflect your needs.

For instance, some organizations simply want to view a clean list of workers whose ReadiScores indicate a high risk of fatigue on duty. Other organizations prefer to view multiple metrics, such as ReadiScores in combination with sleep data and syncing data.

Additionally, some organizations prefer to view only ReadiScores generated via wearables, while others prefer ReadiScores from all sources, such as ML estimations.

ReadiSupervise's new interface enables customization for these needs in a simple and intuitive manner.

Your account manager will pre-configure your interface based on our understanding of your needs, but you can always adjust it to your liking, and ReadiSupervise will remember your settings so you don't have to re-configure every time.

Get to Know the New Interface

ReadiSupervise Mobile, with ReadiScore tab and the new, optional Sync and Sleep tabs

If you've used ReadiSupervise Mobile before, you'll feel right at home in the new version.

As with before, your default view is a simple list of all individuals on your who are flagged for fatigue on the shift you're currently managing.

In addition to showing ReadiScores and the names of flagged workers, ReadiSupervise now includes up to three total tabs, depending on your configuration:

  • ReadiScore (displays ReadiScores, as with previous version)

  • Sync (displays Syncing data, if enabled)

  • Sleep (displays recent sleep quantity, if enabled)

Note: If you only have ReadiScores enabled, and both Sync and Sleep are disabled, you won't see any tabs in the interface. The ReadiScore data will simply be displayed as with the previous version.

One's "Time to 70" (or your chosen Risk Threshold) remains available on the right side of each user's name. Hour-by-hour ReadiScores and action logging functionality remain available, as before, by tapping a user's row.

Read more below to learn about each of the new insights provided by ReadiSupervise Mobile.

"Sync" Tab

The "Sync" tab shows the amount of time that has elapsed since the user last synced their wearable device (ReadiWatch, ReadiBand, Fitbit, Garmin) with the Readi platform. Users without wearable devices will receive a "-" in this field.

By default, users whose last sync was more than 6 hours before the start of the shift will be highlighted in red. The 6-hour default can be adjusted by your account manager.

  • Filters: Tap the "Up-to-date", "Out-of-date", or "N/A" buttons to filter the list accordingly. This is useful for quickly identifying any users who need to be prompted to sync their device.

  • Sorting: Click the sort arrow to sort from most recent to least recent sync status. Sorting will occur within the "Below [RT]" and "Above [RT]" categories, where [RT] signifies your risk threshold.

"Sleep" Tab

For users with the "View Sleep Data" permission enabled, it is now possible to view authorized users recent sleep data without leaving the ReadiSupervise application. There is no longer a need to consult ReadiSleep for this information.


  • No sleep data will be exposed for users for whom the viewer does not have permission to view sleep data.

  • Nothing in this update changes your existing configurations regarding sleep data permissions or privacy. Organizations who do not have sleep data viewing as part of their existing workflow will have this column hidden by default, and values will appear empty for such users ("-") if the column is toggled on.

Where the permission to view sleep data is enabled, the "Sleep" tab shows the total amount of sleep each user has accumulated in the 12 hours preceding the start of the current shift, up to the current moment in time. (The 12 hour threshold can be changed by your account manager.) Sleeps that terminate at any point in that range will be counted in their entirety toward this total.

Eligible major sleeps and naps will both count toward this total, and you can view more detail on the sleeps that contributed to the total by hovering over the value.

Recent Sleep values of less than 6 hours, by default, will be highlighted in red. This threshold can be changed by your account manager.

  • Filters: Use the "Less than X hours" and "X or more hours" buttons to filter the list respectively for users whose Recent Sleep quantity falls above or below your account's threshold.

  • Sorting: Click the sort arrow to sort from most to least recent sleep, or vice versa. Sorting will occur within the "Below [RT]" and "Above [RT]" categories, where [RT] signifies your risk threshold.

"ReadiScore Source" Icons

On the ReadiScore tab, each ReadiScore now contains a small "ReadiScore Source" icon in the upper right corner. The three icons, as shown above, indicate:

  • Wearable Only

    • This classification indicates that in the trailing 3 days, all sleep data was determined by a wearable device, and our system determined no gaps in the sleep data collection.

    • To be eligible for this classification, there must also be no manual sleep input within the trailing 7 days. (Manual sleep input is very rare.)

  • ReadiML

    • For wearable users, this classification indicates that at one or more points in the trailing 3 days, our system detected at least one gap where sleep data would normally be expected to be recorded by a wearable. In these cases, Readi's Machine Learning engine estimated the user's sleep quality, quantity, and timing based on a variety of factors, including past wearable usage patterns, work schedule, and one's annual sleep questionnaire.

    • For non-wearable users, this classification will always appear, as all sleeps will be estimated by Readi's Machine Learning engine.

    • To be eligible for this classification, there must also be no manual sleep input within the trailing 7 days. (Manual sleep input is very rare.)

  • Manual Sleep Input

    • If sleep was manually entered at any point in the trailing 7 days, the "Manual" label will appear. While manual sleep input is very rare, this label is provided to give heightened visibility to cases where an erroneous manual input might significantly affect one's ReadiScore.

  • Filters: Use the filter buttons, "Wearable Only", "ReadiML", or "Manual Sleep Input" to filter the list of users accordingly.

  • Sorting: Click the sort arrow to sort by ReadiScore (high-to-low, or low-to-high) within your selected category ("Flagged" or "Lower Risk").

The "Atypical" Flag

ReadiSupervise introduces a new concept, the "Atypical" Flag, to make it easier to identify individuals whose fatigue is worse on a given shift than it typically is (among those who are flagged).

To be eligible for an Atypical flag, an individual must meet the following criteria:

  • Individual is in the "Flagged" category

    • The "Flagged" category is the section with the title "Below [RT] during shift", where [RT] is your current Risk Threshold, e.g. 70.

  • Individual's ReadiScore average ReadiScore on the current shift is 7 or more points below their typical ReadiScore for that shift type (e.g. "Night Shift").

    • A typical ReadiScore for that shift type is comprised of the user's average ReadiScore on up to 60 of their most recent shifts of that type. A minimum of 5 shifts is required to establish a typical ReadiScore.

    • If no typical Readiscore exists for a user, the user will not receive an Atypical flag.

Improved Hour-by-Hour ReadiScore View

The hour-by-hour ReadiScores info has been improved visually, and is now presented as an interactive, draggable graph with periods of high fatigue shaded in red:

This concludes the updates introduced in the 26 February 2024 overhaul of ReadiSupervise Mobile.

If you are a new user, please read on for a guide to getting started and using ReadiSupervise in your daily workflows.

Getting Started

ReadiSupervise enables shift supervisors to view fatigue predictions for crew members on duty, at-a-glance, and take proactive measures to reduce fatigue risk.

With ReadiSupervise, shift supervisors can be alerted to the likelihood of critical fatigue long before it occurs, and proactively intervene on their most critical risks.

Common interventions include re-assigning safety-critical tasks to less fatigued workers, and requiring breaks for certain individuals at times where fatigue is projected to be severe. While organization's intervention protocols are unique, a general guide to interventions can be accessed here.

ReadiSupervise makes it easy to log these critical interventions in a matter of seconds, with just a few taps.

Download and Login to ReadiSupervise

  1. Go to the App Store or Google Play to download ReadiSupervise.

  2. Log in to ReadiSupervise using your Readi account email and password.

    1. If you do not know the email used by your Readi account, check your email inbox for past messages from Readi, or reach out to your program manager.

First Time Users: Getting Set Up

  1. When you log in to ReadiSupervise for the first time, you will see a screen like the one below.

  2. Tap the ⚙️ icon in the upper right to access Settings.

  3. Tap "Locations and Groups" and then select the Location or Group that you are managing, then tap the Back button.

  4. Tap "Shifts" and then select the Shift that you are managing, e.g. "Day Shift" or "Night Shift", then tap the Back button.

  5. Tap the Back button again to go back to the home view.

  6. You should now see a view populated with data, assuming there are individuals on duty at the moment, within your selected segment.

Once you are set up, you will not need to make changes via the settings menu again, unless your assigned location or shift changes.

Note: In an improvement coming soon, you will no longer have to select your shift, as it will inherit automatically from your assigned schedule. In the meanwhile, if you switch from supervising a Day Shift to supervising a Night Shift, simply tap the "Gear" icon again and change the Shift you are managing.

Understanding the Individuals Page

On the Individuals page, you will see who will face fatigue, and when, in your crew that is scheduled to be on-duty today.

The Individuals page is divided into "Flagged" and "Lower Risk" tabs, with the "Flagged" tab shown by default.

The "Flagged" tab shows a list of all on-duty* individuals who are projected to fall below a ReadiScore of 70 at any point during their shift today.

  • The list is sorted according to current ReadiScore, with the lowest ReadiScores (most fatigued individuals) at the top of the list.

  • *On-Duty is determined according to the schedule each individual has been assigned schedule in the Readi system, among those in your selected group or location.

On the "Lower risk" tab, you will see a list of all on-duty individuals who are projected to remain above a ReadiScore of 70 during the entirety of their shift today.

The diagram below illustrates what each item on this page means:

Understanding the Hotspots Tab

Tap the Hotspots tab on the bottom to get a "birds' eye view" of fatigue, hour-by-hour, for your crew overall crew on the current shift.

In this view, you will see a headline indicating whether overall fatigue levels are "higher than usual", "lower than usual", or about the same as a typical shift at that time.

Below that, you'll see an hour-by-hour "agenda" view that illustrates average fatigue levels for your crew during the selected shift.

  • These averages are based on the available ReadiScore data for each individual who is on duty in your selected shift, within your selected location and group.

  • Please note that while average fatigue levels across your whole crew may be low or moderate during certain periods, it is possible that some individuals may still be highly fatigued at those times.

  • For this reason, we provide small text under each block where one or more person is at high fatigue. For instance, in the example below, 2 individuals are projected to have high fatigue in the "Moderate" time window between 8:15 PM and 10:25 PM.

As a reminder, to see names of individuals who are either currently facing high fatigue, or who are projected to face high fatigue at any point during the shift, simply tab the "Individuals" tab at the bottom of the screen.

Logging Countermeasure Actions

To see more detail on any individual's fatigue and to log a countermeasure action, tap on the individual's row on the Individuals page. You will be taken to the Individual Detail page, as shown below:

Here, you can see relevant details about the individual you have tapped, including:

  • the time of the most recent previous intervention, if any

  • the amount of time remaining until the user will reach a ReadiScore of 70

  • an hour-by-hour view of the individual's projected ReadiScores, with critical periods shaded in red

To log a countermeasure action, simply tap "Log Action" and you will see the Log Intervention page, as shown below:

Here, all of the individual's relevant metadata will be entered into the intervention log automatically, including:

  • ReadiScore at time of intervention

  • Assigned location

  • Assigned group (if any)

  • Recent sync stats

  • Date and time of intervention

Optionally, you can adjust the date and/or time of the intervention by tapping the respective icons next to date and/or time. When you change the date/time of an intervention, the ReadiScore that the individual had at that time will be saved with the intervention log.

To proceed with saving your intervention log, you must first select an intervention Type, a required field. Available Types are determined by your organization and typically include options such as "Require Break" or "Task Rotation". You can optionally also add notes to the field.

When Type is populated, the SAVE button will become enabled in the upper right corner. Tap this button to save the intervention log.

You will see a blue "Intervened" tag below the individual's name on the Individuals Page, confirming the intervention has been saved:

Working While Offline

ReadiSupervise supports offline access.

To enable offline access, first launch ReadiSupervise while you have internet connectivity, to allow for all the projected ReadiScores of users within your selected location/group/shift to be downloaded.

  • For instance, you may have internet connectivity at the start of your shift, before you go out into part of a work site that lacks connectivity. This is a good time to open ReadiSupervise. It will automatically download ReadiScores for your whole crew nearly instantly.

  • You will know you have downloaded data successfully when you see ReadiScores in the Individuals page.

Once you have downloaded ReadiScore data, you can travel offline and continue to view the projected ReadiScores of each individual on your crew for the current shift. -

  • As time progresses, the "Live ReadiScore" field in the Individuals Page will update to reflect the downloaded ReadiScores associated with that moment in time.

Since ReadiScores are predictive data, they do not require constant connectivity in order to be viewed.

  • Of course, if an individual takes an action (such as a sleep) that will changes their ReadiScore, this change cannot be reflected on your local device unless your device re-gains connectivity.

  • However, such instances are rare in the middle of a shift, and moreover, even if naps do occur, they typically only have a marginal impact (1 to 2 points) on the individual's ReadiScores.

  • Therefore, you can be confident that the ReadiScores are broadly reliable even when viewing them while offline.

Have a good feature idea? Share it with us directly at We'd love to hear it!

Need More Help?

For more help, please reach out at or contact your organization's Readi program manager directly.

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