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What is the Web app?
Written by Bryden Waggott
Updated over a week ago

Designed for viewing sleep data across your organization, the Web app is the part of the solution program managers become most familiar with.

What the Web app enables you to do:

  • View historic sleep data for users in your organization, as a whole or on the individual level

  • See powerful metrics that help you understand when and in what way your users are struggling to get the sleep they need

  • Understand the level of fatigue any user is experiencing and how that could be impacting their safety and performance 

  • Make informed decisions to improve on-the-job safety and athletic performance by predicting your greatest upcoming fatigue risks hours before a shift or a game

  • Track the utilization of your Readi investment while ensuring the privacy of worker sleep data

  • See which sites, groups, and schedules are exhibiting disproportionate fatigue risk in your workforce

Every role type (ReadiBand Wearer, Location Manager, and Company Manager) can access the Web app if they're invited to activate their account. Depending on the role type and permissions, the Web app could look different for each user. 

For example, a ReadiBand Wearer will only see their own sleep data and won't be able to view the predictive fatigue tool. But a Company Manager could view every user's sleep data within their company, and the predictive fatigue tool.

While each role has preset access permissions, you'll be able to edit these permissions to suit your organization's needs.

Tools in the Web app

The Web app has a full suite of tools to help you identify and manage fatigue in your organization.


Whether you're looking to view detailed sleep metrics in aggregate across all of your users, or drill down into a specific user's data, Sleep is where you'll find it. 

To learn more about the metrics in Sleep, check out this article


Pinpoint the fatigue level across your entire organization hours before game-time or the start of a shift. With data-driven insight, it's possible for managers to identify extreme cases of fatigue and intervene as required.

To learn more about Supervise, check out this article  


Monitor the level of daily usage of your investment in the Readi enterprise suite. Observe trends, like improvement or deterioration in engagement levels over time, which can help you ensure a successful ongoing Readi program.

To learn more about Manage, check out this article


View trends and compare segments for fatigue risk, revealing which sites, groups, and schedules are exhibiting disproportionate fatigue risk in your workforce, as compared to meaningful benchmarks. Inform fatigue reduction strategies by learning which portion of fatigue risk is attributable to schedule design versus sleep health and habits.

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