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On-Duty Indicator

September 19 2024

Written by Bryden Waggott
Updated over 5 months ago

In our latest web release, you will have access to a new column in the ReadiSupervise Today forecast view. By choosing “Edit Columns” you will be able to add a new column called “On-Duty”. This will provide a user with a new column in the Today view that denotes which of your employees are “On-duty” during the shift period selected.

The column can be filtered and sorted allowing for flexibility on how you want to view on-duty employees.

The on-duty indicator also can also be found on the hour by hour display of the Today forecast, giving a supervisor a clear picture of when the user starts work.

For this feature to work effectively the client should have a method for importing time and attendance data into Readi on a regular basis. This will provide a more real-time dynamic view of when users are working vs. have more static shift information .

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