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September Web Release
September Web Release

New web features! September 3rd 2024.

Written by Bryden Waggott
Updated over 6 months ago

Actions Logged vs. Users Flagged

Actions Logged vs Users Flagged - is a visual representation of the “Users Flagged” table, which aims to show the delineation of workers with low ReadiScores (Not Flagged), workers with high Readiscores based on Risk Threshold without a logged intervention (Flagged without action logged), and workers with high Readiscores based on Risk Threshold with a logged intervention (Flagged with action logged). Under Historical Snapshots tab in ReadiAnalytics, this visualization leverages a stacked bar chart as shown in the example below, displaying a filtered list (by Location, shift, and date range) of users that have been flagged as having an elevated fatigue risk and whether they have been assigned mitigation actions.

By default, the chart output displays the count of all 3 statuses (Not Flagged, Flagged with action logged, Flagged without action logged) per shift selected in a stacked bar chart. Using the radio buttons on the top right corner, you may customize your analysis to show percentages as well as showing only workers that were Flagged (without an action logged). This will quickly enable you to quantify how many workers fell below the shift's risk threshold and did not receive a logged intervention, allowing you to take action to mitigate the risk of a fatigue-related accident for those flagged.

Hovering over a section of the bar charts also unlocks more context on the value output.

Risk Threshold Analysis

Risk Threshold Analysis - Under the Snapshot tab in ReadiAnalytics, the Risk Threshold Analysis chart type is a new addition available in the drop-down for managerial analysis. At a high level, we are quantifying the amount of fatigue that falls within (or cumulatively below) certain ReadiScore ranges based on the shifts worked and fatigue during those hours on duty. There is a varying amount of user willingness to adopt an intervention protocol below a certain RT; thus, the Risk Threshold Analysis aims to serve as an insightful tool for you to visualize fatigue distribution of work shifts across RT intervals - in doing so, your team can insightfully ponder, “How many shift disruptions am I willing to tolerate before initiating countermeasure protocols?”

This allows a manager or EHS professional to determine the number of work shifts that have historically fallen below the defined risk threshold.

Here is an example of a Risk Threshold Analysis output after submitting the relevant locations/groups, shifts, and date range. By default, the chart shows the percent of work shifts and cumulative values at each ReadiScore Risk Threshold.

There is a set of radio buttons in the top right-hand corner to customize your analysis type.

The Risk Threshold intervals are displayed in the left column in descending order. At each level, you can see the number or percentage of work shifts that fell cumulatively or at that Readiscore RT based on your customized analysis.

For each displayed shift column (based on your selection), there is a coloured underline for the cell that contains the Risk Threshold for that particular shift. The underline colour matches the colour gradient for the ReadiScore level it falls at, signalling as a cut-off for what level of fatigue you may tolerate for that particular shift. Note that Shift RT's can be changed if you have the relevant permissions.

When hovering over each cell of the Disruption Analysis chart, a tooltip appears, offering useful insights on what the output means.

For example, hovering over this cell, the tooltip displays what the 65% value is based on (% of shifts with operators within range) as well as the range cut-off it is situated at (<= ReadiScore 70). Furthermore, you can extract. valuable insights on how many work hours, work shifts, and users are involved in the value that falls at that Risk Threshold.

Speed Dial

Speed Dial - You now have access to a "Speed Dial" at the bottom right of your screen. This feature will give you access to a host of useful links all in one place. Initially, you will be able to access the Help Center, Product Announcements, Export the page, and create a "shareable link". Over time, additional links will live inside this component.

The first speed dial button is Product Announcements, allowing you to be directed to a forum of product feature updates and other useful information of new releases.

Another featured button is the ability to create a "shareable link", allowing you to easily copy your current analyses or insights onto your dashboard to be pasted and shared with the rest of your team.

Please note the 'Export CSV' option has been moved to the SpeedDial as well, stacked in the bottom-right corner of the page.


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