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Creating and Deleting Schedules

How to create and delete schedules for use in ReadiAnalytics or ReadiSupervise

Stephanie Malago avatar
Written by Stephanie Malago
Updated over a week ago

Schedules is where you'll set the start and end dates of Shift Plans previously created and assign them to a Location, a Group, or an Individual within your company.

This article focuses on Creating a schedule via the User Interface. To upload a scheduling using a CSV file instead, please refer to the Uploading a schedule article.

Before following the guide below, please ensure you created the Shift Plans needed to populate the Schedule (5D-4o-5N-4o, Mon-Fri Day Workers, etc). (To learn how to create Shift Plans, read this article).

How to create a Schedule:

  1. Log into Readi

  2. Navigate to ReadiAnalytics or ReadiSupervise

  3. Select Shift Plans from the Configure menu at the bottom left corner of the sidebar and click the blue button at the top that says + CREATE:

  4. Enter a Name for your Schedule.

  5. Choose if you wish to assign the Schedule to anyone at this time or at a later time by ticking the checkbox that says Assign this schedule

    1. Choose a Location, a Group or an Individual to assign this schedule to. If you ticked off the checkbox, skip this step and move to the Shifts selection.

  6. Select a Shift Plan you wish to assign to the selected Location, Group, or Individual.

  7. Select a Start and an End date. Make sure to double check this information as you won't be able to edit it after creating the Schedule.

    1. Start Date: make sure the start date matches the start date of the selected Shift Plan's rotation. This date can be selected as a past date if your workers are already midway through the Shift Plan's rotation, or it can be a future date in case the rotation hasn't started yet.

    2. End Date: make sure to select an end date that will match with the last day of that Shift Plan's rotation (e.g., a schedule that starts on Monday March 14, 2022, with a Shift Plan of 4D-3o-4N-3o, that should stay active for 2 months, needs to end on Sunday May 15, 2022).

  8. Click Save at the bottom of the dialog and a message is generated at the top of the pane to confirm that your Schedule has been saved successfully.

After creating your first schedule, you'll be able to see the details by clicking on it on this same page. You'll be able to see each day separate and each shift assigned to each day. Days off will not show on this view, the list will simply skip them and show you the next work day.

How to Delete a Schedule:

  1. Log into Readi

  2. Navigate to ReadiAnalytics or ReadiSupervise

  3. Select Shift Plans from the Configure menu at the bottom left corner of the sidebar and click on the Schedule you want to delete.

  4. Select the trashcan icon on the top right corner of the pane and confirm the deletion on the prompt:

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