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Fatigue Intervention Logs - Action Tracking
Fatigue Intervention Logs - Action Tracking

How to log an action and view past interventions in ReadiAnalytics

Written by Bryden Waggott
Updated over 2 weeks ago

The logs tab allows you to quickly record key details of a fatigue intervention in just a few clicks, and view a table of logged actions that have been created.

Logging a New Action

To log a new action (fatigue intervention), follow these 3 simple steps.

Step 1: Access Logs

  • Click Logs in the sidebar

  • In the dropdown, click Actions

  • Here is where you’ll find the list of actions made, and have the ability to create new ones.

Step 2: Select Your Target

  • Click the Add button in the top right of your screen and follow the prompts.

  • Click Action Target to select the name of the individual about whom you are recording an action. You can simply begin typing the individual's name, and all matching entries will appear.

  • Click between two options:

    • Complete Action Now

    • Scheduled Action for a Later Time/Date

  • Click Next

  • (Less common) Actions can also be recorded on entire groups or locations. For instance, you could record a sleep health seminar or program initiated for an entire group. Just type the name of the group or location and proceed.

Step 3: Add Details

  • Select an Action Type from the dropdown.

  • Select Person Responsible from the dropdown or by typing the name of individual (supervisor, manager, etc.) and all matching entries will appear

    • Note: you can also click Assign to Me underneath the field to quickly designate yourself as the person responsible for the action in creation

  • Click Next.

If you selected Scheduled Action for a Later Time/Date, you will be prompted to select a Due Date/time for the schedueld action. Use the calendar picker icon to select a due date in the future.

  • In the Action Notes textbox, you may type any notes about the scheduled action for context.

Then move to Completion Details fields below. (see Step 4)

If you selected Complete Action Now, you will be prompted to select Completion Details. (see Step 4)

Step 4: Completion Details

Complete Action Now:

  • Select Completion Date/Time using the calendar date picker icon

  • Under Completion Notes, use the textbox to add any relevant information about the nature of the action and its completion.

  • Click Next

Step 5: Preview & Save

Preview your action's details and click Save when finalize. Other click Back to return and edit in previous steps.

Other key details about the action are automatically populated, such as the:

  • Action target

  • Group(s) to which the target user has been assigned

  • Location in which the target user has been assigned (not real-time GPS coordinates)

  • Shift being worked at the time of intervention

  • Target user's ReadiScore at the time of intervention

  • Action Type

  • Person Responsible

  • Who the action was logged by

The name of the Supervisor along with a timestamped record of the log and any edits are also tracked alongside the action.

Note: Available Intervention (Action) Types are customizable by those with Company Manager permissions via the Configure Panel.

Viewing Logged Interventions

  • Click Logs in the sidebar. Click Actions in the sidebar dropdown. You will see a table of all actions recorded.

  • Click into any log to get more detailed information and the ability to edit (if you have the right permissions).

  • Click on any column header to sort by that column in ascending or descending order.

  • Filter Actions using the dropdown in the top right corner

    • Choose to filter for all actions, overdue actions, completed actions, etc.

Additional Ways to Log Action

  • Log an action directly from Today's Forecast. Click directly on any user's name to launch the Log Intervention dialog, saving you the step of searching for an individual's name.

If you have additional questions about how to use these features, don't hesitate to reach out to your Readi program manager for a training session, supported by your team at Fatigue Science.

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