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Scheduled Actions and In-System Communications!
Scheduled Actions and In-System Communications!
Written by Bryden Waggott
Updated over a month ago

In our latest release you will find a few very important features in both the web and mobile system.

  1. Scheduled Actions - When logging an action you now have two choices.

    i. Complete an Action Now - For actions that are already completed and

    ii) Schedule Action for Later Time/Date - for actions that need to be completed at a later date/time and have another person responsible for their completion. This allows users to view forecasted fatigue and assign actions at the exact time a worker enters a high level of fatigue risk.

    If you want to schedule an action you will need to assign it a "Due Date/Time" and a "Person Responsible" . The action will then get assigned to that person for completion by the Due Date/Time.

    A user that has been assigned an action and has ReadiSupervise on their mobile phone will receive push notifications when they have been assigned an action, when the action is due and 1 hour after the action is overdue.

    If you're assigned an action you will be able to see it in ReadiSupervise mobile under the new "Actions" tab. From this screen you will be able filter your actions by what's overdue, upcoming and complete.

    A user will also be able to add a scheduled action directly from ReadiSupervise mobile

    In order to more effectively find, filter and report off your actions we've added a series of "filter" options for the Actions table. This filter box will let you quickly filter the actions below in a variety of ways.

  2. In System Communication - We can now issue communications directly in the web and mobile system. If we have something we'd like to tell you or a new feature we think is important, it will appear at the top of you page. So keep an eye out!

3. User Search - As a user of the Today view in ReadiSupervise web you now have the ability to search workers names directly from the forecast!

4. Shift Archival - You now have a way to archive shifts that are no longer being used. Archived shifts will be removed from the ReadiSupervise's Today view and will be categorized as Archived Shifts in ReadiAnalytics.

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