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View Snapshot of a Scenario's Fatigue Risk Profile

How to run a scenario to get a snapshot of the data

Stephanie Malago avatar
Written by Stephanie Malago
Updated over 2 years ago

Before starting, make sure you have created at least one scenario before reading these instructions. (To learn how to create a scenario, read this article)

Snapshots will show you the percent of time on duty spent at each fatigue risk level by shifts entered in the scenario.

How to run a Snapshot:

  1. Log into Readi

  2. Navigate to ReadiAnalytics

  3. Select Snapshot from the Simulate menu in the sidebar at the left of the page.

  4. Click the Scenario Dropdown and select the Scenario you want to run

  5. Select the shifts you want to analyze (i.e. Day Shift, Night Shift, Afternoon Shift). SIDE NOTE: If you selected Day and Night Shifts but your scenario only has Night Shifts, you will only see the results for the Night Shift.

  6. Start Date and End Date will auto-populate to match the Start and End date for the scenario you already selected on step 4. If you change this to a date that doesn't correspond to the start and end dates of the scenario you chose, you might not see any data.

  7. Click the RUN button:

Understanding the Snapshot data:

  1. At the bottom you can see how many hours inside your scenario are work hours (on duty hours, n = xxx work hours) and what each of the Fatigue Risk Levels are based on ReadiScores

  2. The bar charts will show you the percentage of work hours spent on each level of fatigue for each Shift present on that Scenario. You can hover you mouse over each level to see the exact number of hours analyzed for each level.

  3. The pie chart is an aggregated data for all shifts present in this Scenario. You can hover over the chart to see the work hour details.

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