No forecast is available because none of the users in your selected Locations and Groups are assigned to the selected Shift, or because none of them currently have a ReadiScore.
No forecast is available because none of the users in your selected Locations and Groups are assigned to the selected Shift, or because none of them currently have a ReadiScore.
All users lack real or estimated ReadiScores.
Ensure users have recorded sleep data for at least the last 3 days, without any invalid data.
We are unable to forecast estimated ReadiScores for users without a sleep profile.
Instruct your users to record at least 5 days of sleep or to enter their Personal Stats details via the ReadiOne application or to complete their assigned Questionnaire, if applicable.
None of the users in your selected segment are assigned to the selected Shift.
Check the active Schedules under the Configure settings of ReadiAnalytics or ReadiSupervise on the WEB application. Ensure at least one user within the selected segment has the selected Shift assigned for Today.
Today's shift is over, the next day shift data is being processed, please check later.
Today's shift is over, the next day shift data is being processed, please check later.
This message will display on the minute the currently selected shift ends and for the next hour until ReadiScores for the next upcoming shift instance are ready.
No forecast is available because the selected locations and/or groups are in different time zones.
No forecast is available because the selected locations and/or groups are in different time zones.
The selected Locations or Groups belong to multiple time zones.
Select Locations and Groups from the same time zone to view the forecast.
If a Location or Group has the incorrect time zone set, please reach out to our support team so that they may update the time zone.
Please select Locations and Groups to view data.
Please select Locations and Groups to view data.
There is no segment selected.
Review the following article on how to select the crew you are managing.
Please select Shift to view data.
Please select Shift to view data.
There is no shift selected.
Review the following article on how to select the shift you are managing.
There are no actions at this time.
There are no actions at this time.
Within the currently selected Area, there are no actions for which you are the designated Person Responsible.
Confirm actions intended for you have your user set as the Person Responsible.
Confirm you have the correct Area selected.
Unable to reach server. Please check your internet connection or contact support.
Unable to reach server. Please check your internet connection or contact support.
This is an unexpected error you hopefully shouldn't ever see. 🙂
Confirm your internet connection is working as expected by using another application or browsing the web.
Notify our support team so that they may confirm our server status with you.
You do not have permission to access ReadiSupervise. Please contact your program manager.
You do not have permission to access ReadiSupervise. Please contact your program manager.
Your Readi account does not have the right role.
Please contact your Readi program manager to have your Readi account updated to be of the role
Location Manager
orCompany Manager